Man Up! Rediscovering Biblical Manhood

Mike Winter is a husband and father of ten and is the Michigan Area Director of a men’s ministry called CMBC. He also serves as the President of the Michigan Christian Homeschool Network (MiCHN). In this episode, Israel Wayne talks with Mike about his book on Biblical manhood.

MAN Up! is a biblical challenge to men to embrace their God-given glory by assuming their God-ordained role. My goal for this book is to give you a helpful tool for measuring yourself as a man, a standard for your sons to aim at, and a scale for weighing your future son(s)-in-law(s). Masculinity is under attack in the modern world. Never in human history has disrespect, dishonor, and confusion been so prevalent in world society over the nature of a man. Knowing nothing about manhood or how to be a man at birth, a male child grows up wondering who he is and how to live. This is not how God intended things to be. God made man in His image. God came to earth as a man. God loves men and has given them the opportunity to live with Him forever in honor and glory. While a man’s value is no greater than his fellow created image-bearer, woman, his role and purpose are unique as defined by God. God has given us men a clear purpose for our lives, a clear target to shoot for. This book helps you focus on that target with practical ideas for helping you hit the bullseye. You need to make the decision to man up!

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Israel Wayne’s Books:

Questions God Asks: Unlocking the Wisdom of Eternity

Questions Jesus Asks: Where Divinity Meets Humanity

Pitchin’ A Fit! Overcoming Angry & Stressed-Out Parenting

Education: Does God Have an Opinion? – A Biblical Apologetic for Christian Education & Homeschooling

Answers for Homeschooling: Top 25 Questions Critics Ask

Raising Them Up – Parenting for Christians

Foundations in Faith – Bible Doctrine Curriculum (7th-12th grade)

Foundational Truths – A Modern Catechism

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