Category: Christian Education

This is a guest post by David & Shirley Quine (founders of Cornerstone Curr ...
Michael McHugh is a man that I have wanted to interview on my blog for quite some time. Mike is a humble and unassuming guy who has worked for many years
One of the most pressing issues in many states right now is the issue of "School Choice." There is a call from many Republican legislators for government money that "follows the child." This view i ...
Is Homeschooling Elitist? Over the many years that I’ve been involved in the home education movement, I have heard the accusation, on occasion, that homeschooling is el ...
I remember well receiving a letter on my pillow from my 13-yr-old daughter. It was full of questions that she wanted me to help her understand. I am grateful that I have the kind of relationship wi ...
“I could never homeschool my children. I don’t have enough patience. I couldn’t stand to have them around me that much!” Have you ever heard that line? What about: “I can’t wait for the ...

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