
One of the most pressing issues in many states right now is the issue of "School Choice." There is a call from many Republican legislators for government money that "follows the child." This view i ...
In January of 1993, I began my career in Christian publishing. For the next 20 years, I served as Marketing Director for a small family publishing company founded by my mother, that eventually grew ...
Is Homeschooling Elitist? Over the many years that I’ve been involved in the home education movement, I have heard the accusation, on occasion, that homeschooling is el ...
Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders who outlived Joshua and had known all the work that the
I remember well receiving a letter on my pillow from my 13-yr-old daughter. It was full of questions that she wanted me to help her understand. I am grateful that I have the kind of relationship wi ...
On one side of my driveway there is an old dead tree. A leaning tree. It's the kind of tree you can tell is hateful and ...
Somedays you catch a glimpse of encouragement that makes your heart sing in this mothering journey. I had two today. The first was a line from a facebook blogger friend of mine, who wrote: “You m ...
“I could never homeschool my children. I don’t have enough patience. I couldn’t stand to have them around me that much!” Have you ever heard that line? What about: “I can’t wait for the ...
Earlier this week, I wrote a blog entry about how much I am enjoying this season of lif ...
To all of those whom I have disappointed, I apologize. Let me give you some background. I’m a homeschooled graduate. In fact, I was one of the earliest ones in the modern era (1991). My fa ...
I recently asked some questions on Facebook, to see how well people who follow my page really know about who I am and what I do. I thought this might help you to come to learn more about our work. ...
I was sitting on the platform of a Christian parenting conference looking out over the audience. This was one of those end-of-the day “Q&A” sessions where all of the exhausted main speakers ...
Many parents rightfully desire for their children to learn good financial stewardship. To help children develop a budget and learn to manage their money responsibly, many parents give their childre ...
"I forgot." Ever get tired of hearing this "forgetting" excuse for why your child didn't do what they were instructed? The fact is, children (people) generally remember what they want to. H ...
It is very important to have a target. As a family, you need to identify what is most important to you and identify your goals.
When I was a young mom I had such high ideals and hopes about the wonderful children I would raise. I envisioned leisurely tea times when I could teach my little ones how to become mannerly ladies ...
I was thinking about one particular Christian I know getting to Heaven and seeing another Christian they don't like and never want to see again in this life. I wonder if they'll get mad at God at t ...
“Train up a child in the way he should go (on his own customized path), and when he is old/older/grown he will not depart/will return.” (Proverbs 22:6) This passage has given pa ...
Living in a fishbowl isn’t as fun as you might suppose. Sure, you get a lot of attention but, sometimes, it isn’t the kind you were hoping for. Sometimes, you wish that when you fail, every now ...
Do your children have a Biblical worldview? Are your children equipped to face the “Real World”? When children finish their home training and “leave the nest” into the secular cultur ...
By Israel Wayne Has your decision to homeschool your children ever left you feeling tired, overwhelmed or stressed out? As a student who was homeschooled (my family began homeschool ...
By Israel Wayne My one and a half year old daughter recently achieved a deeper level of “self-awareness.” No, she hasn’t been watching Shirley McLain or practicing her yoga te ...
Within the past several weeks I have talked with several sincere Christians who independently told me that they live under a constant weight of guilt and condemnation. The worst part of that strugg ...

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