Questions Jesus Asks: Where Divinity Meets Humanity


“Someone once said, “There is more learning in the question than in the answer.” Jesus of Nazareth understood this. He is known for responding to questions with even more difficult questions. Most often He offered Himself as the answer. Israel Wayne seeks to gain as many answers as he can from the meaningful questions of Jesus.”

— Michael Card

A Look Inside

 Questions Jesus Asks (830.08 kB)


Jesus’ questions expose our false assumptions and preconceived ideas, and leave us mesmerized by the Truth standing in front of us – Jesus Himself.

  • Explore the unique paradox of Jesus’ divinity and humanity
  • Be challenged by the questions Jesus asks each of us
  • Learn more about Jesus and find the answers to your own life’s questions.

Jesus rarely answered questions He was asked, but instead turned the tables by asking a piercing question of His own. Questions Jesus Asks goes through a broad spectrum of these, dealing with issues like morality, suffering, humility, faith, and much more. John 17:3 tells us: “And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” There is no higher purpose in life than the knowledge of God through His Son. Prepare to learn far more about God and the humanity and divinity of Jesus than you thought was possible. Jesus asks penetrating questions that cut past the pretense and reach the target of our hearts.

“Someone once said, ‘There is more learning in the question than in the answer.'” Jesus of Nazareth understood this. He is known for responding to questions with even more difficult questions. Most often He offered Himself as the answer. Israel Wayne seeks to gain as many answers as he can from the meaningful questions of Jesus”

— Michael Card, singer/songwriter/author

Table of Contents:

Introduction — Was Jesus Omniscient?…………………………….. 5
1. Who Do People Say That I Am? (Christology)………………… 13
2. Didn’t You Know? (Virgin Birth)……………………………………21
3. Who Are My Mother and Brothers? (Family)………………… 29
4. What Are You Seeking? (Discipleship)……………………………35
5. What Will It Profit a Man? (Money)……………………………… 43
6. Who Touched Me? (Healing)……………………………………….. 51
7. Do You Want to Get Well? (Counseling)………………………… 59
8. Why Are You Afraid? (Fear)………………………………………….67
9. What Is Your Name? (Demonology)……………………………… 73
10. What Were You Arguing About? (Servanthood)…………….85
11. Whose Image Is This? (Government)………………………….. 95
12. Has No One Condemned You? (Forgiveness)…………….. 105
13. Are You Not in Error? (Apologetics)……………………………113
14. Why Do You Call Me Lord? (Lordship)……………………… 121
15. Are You Still Sleeping? (Prayer)…………………………………129
16. Why Have You Forsaken Me? (Suffering)…………………. 139
17. Do You Love Me? (Love)…………………………………………..147
18. Why Do You Persecute Me? (Persecution)………………….153
19. How Are You to Escape from Hell? (Hell)………………….. 161
20. Do You Believe This? (Resurrection)………………………….. 173
Appendix I: The Hypostatic Union………………………………….. 182
Appendix II: Communicatio Idiomatum…………………………….184

Additional information

Weight .5625 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .5 in


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