Pitchin’ A Fit: Overcoming Angry & Stressed-Out Parenting

(17 customer reviews)


Parenting comes with stresses that can make the most laid-back among us feel irritable, frustrated, and angry. Even parents who sincerely love their children sometimes use the wrong methods of anger and frustration in an attempt to control their children. But angry parenting doesn’t just weaken relationships between parents and their children; it can, over time, destroy them. Few parents set out to become yelling meanies who no longer enjoy their children. Yet many feel stuck, unable to pull themselves out of their ugly habits. This book:

  • Provides practical and biblical solutions to get to the other side of the issue
  • Gives hope and freedom from the tyranny of stressed-out and angry parenting
  • Offers solutions that are ideal for any family.

If anger is in your home — even in small ways — this book is for you. It is time to replace that anger with something more powerful: patience and peace. Israel and Brook share candidly from their experience as parents.

A Look Inside


Pitchin’ A Fit: Overcoming Angry & Stressed-Out Parenting

  • Provides practical and biblical solutions to get to the other side of the issue
  • Gives hope and freedom from the tyranny of stressed-out and angry parenting
  • Offers solutions for helping children overcome anger
  • Ideal for any family

Parenting comes with stresses that can make the most laid-back among us feel irritable, frustrated … and angry. Even parents who sincerely love their children sometimes use the wrong methods of anger and frustration in an attempt to control their children. But angry parenting doesn’t just weaken relationships between parents and their children; it can, over time, destroy them. Few parents set out to become yelling meanies who no longer enjoy their children. Yet many feel stuck, unable to pull themselves out of their ugly habits. This book examines this deeply ingrained, and sometimes painful topic, and offers hope, encouragement, and a fresh vision for the change God wants to bring. Israel and Brook share candidly from their experience as parents of nine children. This book is biblically-based and combined with practical ways to implement new patterns.

“I have known Israel and Brook Wayne and their children for many years.  During that time I have had the joy of watching their family grow to now nine children. When it comes to parenting, they practice what they preach. Speaking from the perspective of a pastor, their children are some of the most well behaved children I’ve ever had the blessing of being with. They behave better, and pay attention in church, more than some adults I know. Biblically parenting their children isn’t something they just do, it’s who they are. I only wish I had their insights to parenting when I raised my own. It would have made things easier.”

 —Richard Grom, Calvary Chapel Sunset Coast

1.. Stressed Out and Overwhelmed…………….15
2.. Is It Wrong to Get Angry?…………………….27
3..What Causes Anger?…………………………….39
4.. Provoking Our Children to Wrath…………51
5.. Trigger Happy — What Sets You Off?……63
6.. Yelling Moms, Hollering Dads……………..77
7.. “But I’m Not Patient!”…………………………91
8..What Patience Is and Isn’t………………….103
9.. Nurture in the Heart of Correcting………111
10..The Power of Affirmation………………….125
11.. Creating Peace in the Home…………….. 135
12.. Accountability……………………………….. 143


192 page, 5 1/2″ x 8 1/2″, 2016 release, published by New Leaf Press.

Additional information

Weight .56 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 1 in

17 reviews for Pitchin’ A Fit: Overcoming Angry & Stressed-Out Parenting

  1. israelwayne

    “What a welcome breath of fresh air in a very me-focused culture to find a book willing to tackle what I believe is a real problem for Christian parents. Israel and Brook Wayne share their struggles while going one step further than most books, giving practical advice that will actually work. Not only do they give you advice on getting to the root of the problem, but enclosed is a road map to freedom, as well. If you need a book that will help you conquer anger, deal with stress with a big dose of encouragement, I highly recommend this book.”

    Felice Gerwitz, author and podcaster
    Media Angels, Inc.

  2. israelwayne

    “With transparent honesty about their own struggles, Israel and Brook share biblical and practical solutions to overcome anger and stress in parenting. This book is a quick read but expect to be challenged and convicted.”

    Pastor Wayne and Sherry Sanders
    Chardon Christian Fellowship

  3. israelwayne

    “In my 15 years on the bench as a Juvenile Court Judge, I saw countless families where unrestrained anger produced physical and/or emotional abuse that, apart from God’s grace, left lifelong scars that likely were passed onto the next generation. As a father of a large family myself, I know that all of us at times struggle with keeping our emotions balanced and loving rather than giving into the temptation to lose our cool.

    Israel and Brook Wayne do us a great service in sharing, much through their own experience as parents, very practical and Biblically-sound ways to resist our sinful natures and obtain God’s power and wisdom for the blessing of our children and the glory of God.”

    — Randy & Marcia Hekman
    Christian Leaders, Parents of 12

  4. israelwayne

    “Brook and Israel Wayne take a honest look at the challenges facing parents today. And by sharing their own struggles in such a humble way along with real answers, I am sure Gods blessings will be upon them, their family, and whoever follows their advise and example. A great book for all parents.”

    John Weaver Pastor
    Cleveland Believers Fellowship
    Cleveland NC

  5. israelwayne

    “I have known Israel and Brook Wayne and their children for many years. During that time I have had the joy of watching their family grow to now nine children. When it comes to parenting, they practice what they preach. Speaking from the perspective of a pastor, their children are some of the most well behaved children I’ve ever had the blessing of being with. They behave better, and pay attention in church, more than some adults I know. Biblically parenting their children isn’t something they just do, it’s who they are. I only wish I had their insights to parenting when I raised my own. It would have made things easier.”

    Richard Grom
    Calvary Chapel Sunset Coast

  6. israelwayne

    “Another excellent book by Israel Wayne as he draws upon his own life experiences and applying God’s Word to the challenges of rasing a Godly family in today’s culture. It is written from a stricly Christian world view that all readers will benefit from that seek to honor God in their walk.”

    — Mark & Christine De Jonge
    Homeschooling Pioneers

  7. israelwayne

    “In their book, “Pitchin’ A Fit”, Israel and Brook Wayne give real life examples of how every parent has a fleshly propensity to give in to unrighteous anger during the years of childrearing. In addition to showcasing these human failures in an eye-opening way, they pinpoint what triggers make it so easy for parents to give into anger and use Scripture to provide the solution to keeping those feelings under the thumb of godly self-control.

    As a homeschool mom of 11, I know that it’s time for us Christian parents to come from behind the smoke and mirrors that we cower behind every day and get real. It’s time to admit to occasionally failing and making the wrong choices when our children push our proverbial buttons.

    “Pitchin’ A Fit” is a book that every Christian parent needs in their home library. It is vital that we, as Christian parents, learn to be self controlled and raise our children in a home of godly peace, in order to honor Christ in our homes.”

    — Lisa Metzger
    Pro-Life Leader, Mother of 11.

  8. israelwayne

    “Israel and Brook Wayne have hit one out of the ball park with this book! Pitching’ a Fit is the most practical, thoughtful and insightful book on parenting that I have read. There is so much wisdom and humility between these pages that it is hard to come up with an appropriate description.

    Instead of focusing solely on children’s behavior, Israel and Brook direct parents to look deeply at their own reactions to their children. They teach us how to get past our emotional reactions and learn how to respond Biblically and model the behavior we want to see in our children. Using their own experiences, including the lapses we all experience, they illustrate how we can tap God’s Word to reform ourselves as we learn to gently guide our children to maturity without anger. This book gets my highest recommendation!”

    Carolyn Forte
    Excellence In Education

  9. israelwayne

    “Solid Biblical truth and real-life practical help for parents who struggle with whining, screaming, and bad attitudes—and I don’t mean the kids!”

    Sonya Shafer
    Simply Charlotte Mason

  10. israelwayne

    “Scripture commands fathers to avoid exasperating their children and provoking them to anger. Yet our kid’s disobedience seems to naturally bring out the anger buried inside. So how are parents to reach the heart of our young children and shepherd them with grace and gentleness? I’m a firm believer in one of Brook’s and Israel’s suggestions to “slow down and sit down” when you are suddenly faced with a need to discipline a young one. After all, what’s the rush? Slowing down will help you as much as it will bless your children. Give it a try. I bet you will feel better about the whole process.”

    — Davis Carman
    President, Apologia Ministries

  11. israelwayne

    “In their new book, Pitchin’ a Fit, Israel and Brook Wayne provide us with a deeply comprehensive look at anger, both in our personal lives and in the family context: What are the origins of anger? Is anger ever justified? What does scripture mean by not provoking our children to anger? How can parents deal with anger among siblings? With anger at their own children? Much more. Israel is a gifted, and much sought-after speaker on the subject of family and parenting issues. I recommend this book for every parent, even those who don’t think they have anger issues. You will be helped by the insights Israel and Brook share on these pages!”

    Chris Davis
    Author, Conference Speaker

  12. israelwayne

    “Pitchin’ a fit—that’s what kids do, right? It’s just so annoying. Oops! This book isn’t about kids pitchin’ a fit—it’s about parents. Ouch. How I wish I’d had this wise, powerful book in my early years of motherhood, when I was often overwhelmed and angry and I yelled all too frequently.

    Saturated with Scripture, Pitchin’ a Fit reminds us that sometimes we need to be corrected even more than our children do and that the challenges of parenting are one way God helps us grow. Israel and Brook Wayne dig deep into the causes of anger, and they graciously blend conviction with encouragement and hope. They offer extremely practical steps to break the habits of anger and yelling and to replace them with lovingly nurturing our children. I highly recommend this book to every parent.”

    Mary Jo Tate
    Author of Flourish: Balance for Homeschool Moms

  13. israelwayne

    “A great blend of straight Bible and straight practical. Israel and Brook live ‘the real life’ with a houseful of kids every day, so their wisdom is tried and tested! As a granddad who yearns to see today’s couples turn first to the Word, and second to the experience and wisdom of other godly parents—not the other way around—’Pitchin’ A Fit’ is a breath of fresh air! Kudos to my good friend Israel and his amazing helpmate, Brook.”

    — Dale Mason
    Author/magazine publisher/homeschool dad

  14. israelwayne

    “I’ve known Israel for many years and enjoyed having him here in Cincinnati to speak to homeschoolers for encouragement. He’s always offered uplifting (and many times convicting) words to help folks to stay strong in their commitment to homeschool and to parent with Godly intent. I’m so glad he and his wife have taken on this subject of anger that can leave many in bondage with feelings of hopelessness. Oftentimes, I see young parents struggle in this area (as did I when I was a young parent) and feel as though there is not way of overcoming. I hope these words of encouragement, instruction, and direction help break chains of anger, and offer freedom to those that are seeking victory over having temper tantrums as an adult. Kudos for you, Israel & Brook, for publishing help for moms and dads!”

    Christee Brauckmann
    Happily married and parent to four – 29, 26, 18, 16
    Homeschool Mom – 18 years
    Christian Home Educators of Cincinnati – 18 years as a member, 17 years in service
    Homeschool Buyers Co-op, Director – 10 years

  15. israelwayne

    “Wow, what an eye-opening and welcome perspective on parenting! We all want our home to be a refuge full of love and peace. This book helps us to set the foundation as we equip our children to honor Jesus throughout their lives.

    Finally, a book that blesses the family with biblical wisdom instead of psychobabble. Israel and Brooke remind us that parenting is not only a responsibility, but a privilege and a joy.”

    Brian Rohrbough
    Father, frequent guest on national radio shows

  16. israelwayne

    “We are amazed at the wisdom that has come from Israel and Brooke and the grace of God that flows out to their children. From using very practical, real examples that almost everyone can relate to they bring about Godly solutions to parenting issues that we have all faced from time to time. We will be getting copies for each of our kids who are parents. This one is a ‘Must Read’. ”

    — Michael & Gayle Back
    Parents, former Directors of Christian Home Educators of Ohio

  17. israelwayne

    “Israel and Brook Wayne offer an excellent treatment for the problem of anger — a problem that afflicts practically every home in the world. This book is surprisingly approachable, highly practical, and biblically fortified throughout.”

    — Kevin Swanson, Generations Radio

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